Message from the EiC |
Welcome to the October issue of VTS Mobile World in 2018 – your IEEE Vehicular Technology Society newsletter. We have an exciting set of articles in this issue for you, including photos from the VTS and VTC2018-Fall awards ceremony that took place August 2018 in Chicago. The Society President and Vice President—Conferences each provide information on several aspects of VTS services. I look forward to hearing from you about how we can better serve all VTS members. I can be reached at Read More... |
Message from the President—Standardization Activities and VTS: Get Involved! |
Alexander M. Wyglinski, President |
Standards address a range of issues, and help to maximize functionality, compatibility, interoperability and safety. They are one way in which VTS members can be engaged, applying new concepts to a variety of real-world products and systems in order to solve challenging technical problems.
The President invites you to join VTS in one of its active areas of standardization—there are several options for vehicular technologies—or start a new one! Read More... |
Message from the Vice President—Conferences |
J. R. Cruz, IEEE VTS Vice President—Conferences |
Greetings VTS Members! During my tenure with VTS, I have had the privilege of serving the membership in various capacities including VTS President and Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
In this latest edition of VTS Mobile World, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all those who actively participate and/or support VTS events.
The rest of the article will summarize conference developments over the last five years that may offer insight about what the future may hold. Read More... |
Society |
2018 VTS Awards Ceremony |
Gordon L. Stüber, Awards Committee Chair |
VTS awards recognize those individuals and groups who contribute to and support the purposes of IEEE in general and of VTS in particular, in an exceptionally worthy manner. The 2018 VTS awards were presented at the VTS Awards Luncheon on 29 August 2018. Read More... |
Call for Nominations: Distinguished Lecturers |
Weihua Zhuang, DL Selection Committee Chair |
VTS launched the Distinguished Lecturer (DL) program in July 2011, and has been very successful in providing our chapters with presentations by leading experts on topics of interest and importance to our membership. Read More... |
VTS Board of Governors Elections – Vote Now! |
Javier Gozalvez, VTS Nominations Cmte Chair |
It's time for this year’s election of the 5 seats available for the 2019—21 class of the VTS Board of Governors (BoG). The elections start 21 August and will end 23 October (4:00 pm Eastern Time). Read More... |
From the IEEE VTS Resource Center |
From IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine |
6G Vision and Requirements: Is There Any Need for Beyond 5G? |
In this month's issue, VTS Mobile World takes a look at an article authored by Klaus David and Hendrik Berndt that looks at 6G vision and requirements.
This article was published in the third quarter 2018 of IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. Read More... |
Connected Vehicles |
Time for Autonomous Vehicles to Connect |
Elisabeth Uhlemann |
Could the accidents have been prevented if the autonomous vehicles were connected? Read More... |
Mobile Radio |
The Final Sprint of Fifth-Generation Toward Commercialization |
Matthias Pätzold |
The success of 5G will hinge on its appeal among so-called 5G forerunners, who represent 14% of global smartphone users. Read More... |
Transportation Systems |
Sound Transit to Build Light-Rail Maintenance Facility |
Harvey Glickenstein |
Sound Transit in the Seattle, Washington area held an open house on 17 May 2018 at its site for a new light-rail Operations and Maintenance Facility in Bellevue, Washington. Read More... |
Conference Report |
Three-for-One Super-Event in Chicago! |
VTS Conference Team |
VPPC 2018 and CAVS2018 were held in conjunction with VTC2018-Fall, creating an unforgettable week for attendees, and also for VTS! Read More... |
VTC2018-Fall and VPPC 2018 Awards |
VTC2018-Fall and VPPC 2018 Organizing Committee |
At the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference and Vehicle Power and
Propulsion Conference in Chicago, awards were presented for exemplary
contributions to the success of the conference, and also in recognition of the
Best Overall Paper and Best Student Paper.
The winners for all
conference awards are shown in this article. Read More... |

Abbas Jamalipour