From 27–30 August 2018, the 2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2018-Fall), IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2018), and IEEE Connected and Automated Vehicles Symposium (CAVS 2018) will all take place at the Hilton Chicago Hotel.
With the convergence of these three events, a substantial breadth of topics and activities will be covered, providing community members with many opportunities to network with other engineers and technologists from around the world, and learn about the latest advances across many aspects of vehicular technology.
Each event will host an array of activities covering a wide range of topics across vehicular technology. The VTS flagship conference, VTC2018-Fall, will cover many topics in wireless, mobile, and vehicular technology, while VPPC 2018 will focus specifically on topics related to vehicle power and propulsion.
As a newly created symposium, CAVS 2018 will deal exclusively with topics related to connected and autonomous vehicles technologies and systems. Some of these activities are:
- High-quality peer-reviewed technical paper presentations and poster sessions (VTC2018-Fall, VPPC 2018, CAVS 2018)
- Insightful tutorial sessions focused on cutting-edge technologies (VTC2018-Fall, VPPC 2018)
- Plenary and keynote presentations given by world-renowned experts on different aspects of vehicular technology (VTC2018-Fall, VPPC 2018, CAVS 2018)
- An array of workshops focused on the latest vehicular technologies intended to initiate the formation of communities around these topics (VTC2018-Fall)
- Several industry-focused tracks consisting of a series of panel sessions given by industry leaders/experts in vehicular technology (VTC2018-Fall)
- Networking sessions occurring throughout the duration of the events (VTC2018-Fall, VPPC 2018, CAVS 2018)
- Social activities that enable community members to get to know each other (VTC2018-Fall, VPPC 2018, CAVS 2018)
It goes without saying that organizing any one of these events is no small feat, as each conference requires a very large team of dedicated and hardworking volunteers to make them possible. I am grateful to all conference organizers and volunteers for their hard work and am very excited about the excellent programs they have put together—this is going to be an outstanding four days in Chicago!
Check out the conference websites for more information:
Wishing you all a wonderful summer, and looking forward to seeing all of you in the Windy City! |