As a member of IEEE New York, the New York VTS chapter supports various activities relating to intelligent transportation systems, vehicle communications, train control and signaling. This chapter serves all IEEE members in the New York City metropolitan area. The chapter committee consists of:
- Chair: Ms. Chamara Johnson, WSP
- Vice-Chair: Sahith Moturu, CH2M, Rail Vehicles Engineering Practice
- Treasurer: Patrick McGettigan, LTK
- Secretary: Muamer Dedović Deda, CH2M, Rail Vehicle Engineering Practice
In 2017, the VTS NY Chapter organized the following technical seminars and forums:
- Design and implementation of a conventional block signaling signal system analysis tool to support calculation of safe braking distances, perform control line evaluation, and generate working diagrams based on user-definable configuration of signal layout and civil infrastructure by Stuart Landau, P.E., CH2M
- ITC type Positive Train Control Office Segment and Host Server applications by David Thurston, PhD, P.E., FIRSE; Vice President, WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff
- CBTC Radio Architecture and Security challenges in URS Market by Usman Siddiqui, ATC Systems Engineer, CH2M
- Lessons learned on CBTC data communications subsystem design and deployment on brownfield environment by Michael Fitzmaurice, P.E., M.A.Sc., Parsons
- Lessons learned on the New York City Transit’s CBTC Culver Test Track (CTT) Project by Kenneth Diemunsch, CSEP, CH2M
- Rail Technology Forum (14 December 2017)
- Railroad agreements of the Waterloo Light Rail Transit System by Paul Bakas, WSP
- Potential Impact of Tin Whiskers on Rail Transportation Safety by Sahith Moturu, CH2M