Title: Energy Efficiency Enhancement for Personalized and Connected Vehicles
Speaker: Junmin Wang, Ohio State University
Description: The recent advances in vehicle on-board computation and communication technologies have led ground transportation into a new era. In particular, the connected and smart mobility technologies such as vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure, and vehicle-to-human communications have offered an unprecedented information richness and availability, which if utilized intelligently may enable substantial improvements on vehicle operational energy efficiency and cleanliness that are of societal importance.
Synergistic combinations of physical insights into powertrain and vehicle system characteristics, human factor, computational and communication capabilities, and theories of optimization and control may offer effective means for tackling the transportation energy and emission challenges.
This talk introduces a variety of vehicle system estimation and control research activities aiming for clean and efficient ground transportation by leveraging the connected and smart mobility technologies. Innovative syntheses of estimation, optimization, and control theories with physical understanding of vehicle and transportation systems as well as human driver characteristics will be emphasized through examples.
Along with the system analytical designs, results will be given to demonstrate the importance and efficacy of the connected and smart mobility technologies for current and future ground vehicles and transportation.
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