Message from the EiC |
Welcome to the October 2019 issue of VTS Mobile World – your IEEE Vehicular Technology Society newsletter.
In this issue, our Society President introduces all 15 elected Board of Governors members, including those who have been elected just this month for the 2020—2022 term. Also featured is a report on a recent event organized by the IEEE NSW VTS Chapter, supported through VTS Chapters funding.
As always, I look forward to hearing from you on how we can better serve all VTS members. Just send me a note at Enjoy reading! Read More... |
Society |
Do You Know Who Your VTS Board Members Are? |
Alexander M. Wyglinski, President |
VTS is all about
providing our members with services, events, and activities designed to support
their professional development and growth with respect to vehicular technology.
Meet the people who help to make all this happen! The VTS Board of Governors is the governing body of the Society, and consists of 15 elected and voting Members, as well as a number of appointed, non-voting volunteers. Read More... |
IEEE VTS NSW Chapter Report |
Abbas Jamalipour, IEEE NSW VTS Chapter Chair |
Thanks to the VTS
Chapter funding scheme, the IEEE VTS NSW Chapter (Australia) organized a
one-day technical program: Communications and Automotive Day 2019. Read More... |
From the VTS Resource Center |
Practical Work with Robots |
VTS members can enjoy the following new webinar available at the VTS Resource Center for free. Fundamental aspects of energy requirement estimation and recent advances in vehicle dynamics monitoring and road interaction sensing will be discussed.
Simply sign in with your IEEE Web Account! Read More... |
From the IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine |
6G: The Next Frontier |
Emilio Calvanese Strinati, Sergio Barbarossa, Jose Luis Gonzalez-Jimenez, Dimitri Ktenas, Nicolas Cassiau, Luc Maret, and Cedric Dehos |
This month, VTS Mobile World features the following IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine article, published in the third quarter of this year:
6G: The
Next Frontier: From Holographic Messaging to Artificial Intelligence Using
Subterahertz and Visible Light Communication was selected for this feature by Associate EiC F. Richard Yu. Read More... |
Mobile Radio |
5G Consumer Potential |
Matthias Pätzold |
A new Consumer Lab report by Ericsson busts industry myths about the value of 5G for consumers. Among other findings, smartphone users
state that they are willing to pay 20% more for 5G services, and half of early
adopters would pay as much as 32% more. Read More... |
Transportation Systems |
Hilltop Tacoma Link Extension |
Harvey Glickenstein |
Sound Transit of Tacoma, Washington, announced it had begun construction of the
2.4-mi Hilltop Tacoma Link Extension, which expands the current rail line from
the Theater District in downtown Tacoma to the Stadium District and Hilltop
neighborhoods. Read More... |
Conference Report |
In Africa: IEEE WAC 2019 |
Sunil Maharaj, IEEE WAC 2019 General Chair |
With over 60 attendees, four keynote presentations and an industry forum sponsored by Sentech, the second IEEE Wireless Africa was a great success
in Pretoria! Read More... |

Abbas Jamalipour