VTS and the VTS Colombia chapter have organized the first-ever VTS School in Latin America & Caribbean. The school took place at the University of Los Andes in Bogotá (Colombia) on 8 – 9 November 2018, and welcomed around 30 attendees from government, academia and industry during the two days of the event.
This first VTS School in the region focused on V2X communications and networks, and addressed a wide range of topics including:
- IEEE802.11p and DSCR
- Cellular V2X
- 4G and 5G V2X
- Use cases and applications
- Spectrum and propagation
- Networking
The School included an outstanding roster of speakers from industry, government and academia:
- Luis Felipe Herrera Quintero (Ministerio de Transporte, Colombia)
- Martha Suarez (Agencia Nacional del Espectro, Colombia)
- Radovan Miucic (Changan US R&D Center and Wayne State University, US)
- Sandra Céspedes (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
- Leyre Azpilicueta (Tecnológico de Monterrey, México)
- Javier Gozalvez (Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Spain)
- Cayo Betancourt (Ericsson, Colombia)
- Andrés Navarro (Universidad ICESI, Colombia)
- Roberto Hoyos (Volvo Group, Colombia)
The School served as an opportunity for lively discussions among attendees on the need to promote V2X research and deployment in Latin America. They also discussed how to build an interest group from the School that would include government, industry and academia to develop this domain and launch pilot activities to help the region address its traffic challenges.
VTS is eager to support this activity, and we look forward to organizing the next School in Latin America & Caribbean. If anybody is interested, please get in touch with Bruno Justino Garcia Praciano. We welcome any proposal focused around VTS’ fields of interest that include connected and automated vehicles, mobile radio (including 5G, IoT, etc), automotive electronics and land transportation.
The School was sponsored by VTS and supported by Universidad de Los Andes, Universidad Icesi, Universidad Miguel Hernández and Ministerio de Transporte. A big thanks also to IEEE Colombia for their support! |