IEEE Fellow recognizes IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation. The total number of new IEEE Fellows selected in any one year does not exceed one-tenth of one percent of the total voting Institute membership.
The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society welcomes nominations for IEEE Fellow in three technical areas; portable and mobile communications, automotive electronics, and land transportation.
To be eligible for IEEE Fellow, a nominee must be an IEEE Senior Member or IEEE Life Senior Member and been a member in good standing in any grade for a period of five years or more preceding 1 January of the year of elevation. IEEE Society affiliation membership does not apply. IEEE Fellow nominees are classified into the following four categories: Application Engineer/Practitioner, Educator, Research Engineer/Scientist, and Technical Leader.
The nominator can be any person, including non-IEEE members, and does not have to be an IEEE Fellow. The nominator has the responsibility to:
- Prepare the IEEE Fellow Grade Nomination Form
- Solicit at least five, but no more than eight, IEEE Fellow references capable of assessing the nominee’s contributions
- Solicit no more than three endorsements capable of supporting the nomination. Any person, including non-IEEE members, may submit an endorsement
- Identify an IEEE Society/Technical Council whose evaluating committee will assess the nominee’s technical qualifications and contributions
IEEE Fellow nominations are evaluated first by the IEEE Society/Technical Council and second by the Judges on the IEEE Fellow Committee. The IEEE Fellow Committee recommends nominees to the IEEE Board of Directors, according to the following criteria:
- Technical accomplishments
- Society Evaluation
- References
- External and IEEE Service Activities
- Total years in the profession
The next deadline for submitting IEEE Fellow nominations is 1 March 2019, which is a hard deadline (no extensions).
Further details about the IEEE Fellow program, including the nomination form are available at the IEEE website. |