Message from the EiC |
Welcome to the third issue of VTS Mobile World in 2019 – your IEEE Vehicular Technology Society newsletter.
In this issue, the Society President provides an informative report on this year’s sponsored events. The Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions of Vehicular Technology outlines the journal’s high impact in 2018. Calls for nominations for VTS technical and service awards—as well as for the Board of Governors elections in 2019—are among several other interesting articles.
I look forward to hearing from you on how we can better serve all VTS members. I can be reached at Read More... |
Message from the President |
2019 VTS Conferences: Something for Everyone! |
Alexander M. Wyglinski, President |
The primary mission of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) is to provide its members from around the world with opportunities for professional development and growth via a wide range of activities, events, and services. When it comes to events, for 2019 we have an exciting line-up of VTS-sponsored conferences! Read More... |
Message from the EiC, IEEE TVT |
Report on 2018 Metrics for Success |
Nei Kato, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
VTS’ fully sponsored IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, together with IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, provide state-of-the art literature in the field of mobile communications, transportation systems, and vehicular networks.
Both publications are amongst the top ranked publications in their field with high impact factors. The EiC of the IEEE TVT provides a report of the Transactions status in 2018. Read More... |
Society |
IEEE VTS South Africa Chapter Profile |
Sunil Maharaj, IEEE VTS South Africa Chapter Chair |
VTS Mobile World is delighted to present a report from the first sub-Saharan VTS Chapter established in South Africa. Read More... |
Call for Nominations |
2019 VT Society Awards |
Gordon L. Stüber, VTS Awards Committee Chair |
Each year the Vehicular Technology Society offers five prestigious awards that recognize outstanding Individual accomplishment. Please consider nominating an eligible candidate for these awards. Read More... |
IEEE VTS Board of Governors |
Javier Gozalvez, Nominations Committee Chair |
Elections for five (5) members of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) for the term 2020 – 2022 will be held between May and July 2019. Read More... |
From the VTS Resource Center |
Battery Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Machines and Drives |
VTS members can enjoy the following webinar available at the VTS Resource Center for free, simply sign in with your IEEE Web Account. Read More... |
Motor Vehicles |
The Future of Mobility! |
Hicham Chaoui, Carleton University, Canada |
Autonomous and connected vehicle technologies are among the most active researched areas in the automotive industry because of their far-reaching impacts on our modern society. The future of mobility, deployed in part through autonomous vehicles and connected vehicles, will change several aspects of our society in a fundamental way. Read More... |
Mobile Radio |
5G On-Glass Antennas for Connected Vehicles |
Matthias Pätzold |
NTT DOCOMO, AGC, and Ericsson will continue working toward using 5G in various environments, including in-vehicle communication modules, and hope to see 5G-connected cars become a reality. Read More... |
Transportation Systems |
SNCF Buys New High-Speed Trains |
Harvey Glickenstein |
Through the benefits of remote diagnostics for predictive maintenance, maintenance costs are anticipated to be more than 30% lower than those currently recorded by SNCF. Read More... |
Call for Proposals |
Host A Future VTC! Openings for VTC2020-Fall & VTC2021-Fall |
VTS Conference Committee |
The IEEE VTS Conference Committee invites the submission of proposals to host VTCs during the fall seasons in 2020 and 2021.
The fall iteration of VTC is normally held in North America, so submissions should be in keeping with that tradition.
Please note that all proposals, even those from other areas, will be considered. Read More... |

Abbas Jamalipour