Society |
Message from the EiC |
Abbas Jamalipour |
Welcome to the February 2017
issue of VTS Mobile World – your IEEE Vehicular Technology Society newsletter.
In this issue you will read an invitation from the newly launched IEEE 5G
Initiative; hear from one of the newly re-elected VTS Board members; learn
about new activities in standards; see the newly uploaded content to the
VTS Resource Center; plus, much more. I look forward to your feedback on how we
are doing and how we can better serve all VTS members in the future. Feel free to
contact me directly by email.
Abbas Jamalipour
Read More... |
IEEE Launches New 5G Initiative |
James Irvine |
members are invited to join the IEEE 5G Technical Community as part of the new IEEE Initiative launched formally last year. Read More... |
Board of Governors Member Profile |
J. R. Cruz |
This month, VTS Mobile
World introduces a long-standing volunteer and officer of VTS who has been
re-elected to the VTS Board of Governors (BoG) for the term 2017–19, Professor J. R. Cruz. He is one of five BoG members elected in last year to form the 15-member BoG.
He is with the University of Oklahoma. Read More... |
Standards Report |
Edward Au |
new year with new standardization activities in vehicular and railway
communications. Read More... |
From the IEEE VTS Resource Center |
Lectures from 1st IEEE VTS Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Summer School at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) |
VTS members can enjoy for free the following two webinars available at
the VTS Resource Center, simply sign in with your IEEE account. Here are
two new webinars for you to enjoy. Read More... |
Connected Vehicles |
Cooperative ITS and Its Frequency Bands |
Elisabeth Uhlemann |
Heated debate about sharing the ITS frequency band in the United
States is ongoing. The Australian Communications and Media Authority also intends
to allocate the 5.9-GHz band for C-ITS to support the national rollout of
C-ITS. Read More... |
Land Transportation |
Light-Rail Vehicles Are Expanding |
Harvey Glickenstein |
Spanish company will
provide light-rail vehicles (LRVs) to the Maryland Transit Administration for its
new Purple Line Project, and to Transport for New South Wales for a project in the
Australian city of Newcastle. In addition, production is underway for LRVs to
be used in Boston; and delivery is completed for LRVs in Houston, Cincinnati
and Kansas City, as well as Sydney, Australia. Read More... |
Motor Vehicles |
2017: Long-Range EVs Are Coming! |
Loïc Boulon |
may see electric vehicles that can be driven between cities in 2017! Read More... |
Calls For Submissions |
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2017-Fall |
VTC2017-Fall Organizing Committee |
The 2017 86th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference will
be held in Toronto, Canada! You are invited to submit your research results and
plan to attend VTC2017-Fall in Toronto from 24 to 27 September. Read More... |
Call For Papers: Special Issue on Vehicular Security and Privacy |
IEEE VT Magazine is calling for papers to be included in a special issue on vehicular security and privacy by 1 April 2017. Read More... |
Event Announcements |
2nd IEEE VTS Connected & Autonomous Vehicle Summer School @ WPI |
SAVE THE DATE! The next edition of the IEEE
VTS Connected & Autonomous Vehicle Summer School @ WPI is coming, 18–19 May 2017! Read More... |
Wireless World Research Forum |
Klaus David |
Fourth Annual 5G Huddle
2017: Laying the groundwork for widespread adoption Read More... |

Abbas Jamalipour