The first-ever IEEE workshop focusing on technical challenges associated with vehicular security was hosted at VTC2016-Fall in Montréal on 18 September 2016. Organized by Alex Wyglinski (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Rich Pietraval, Perry Engle, and Joe Chapman (The MITRE Corporation), V-SEC 2016 brought together members of the vehicular technology community interested in various aspects of security and privacy related to automotive systems. The half-day workshop, consisting of 15 attendees across industry, government, and academia, started off with a one-hour in-depth instructional presentation about CANBUS security given by Hristos Giannopoulos (The MITRE Corporation), followed by back-to-back presentations by John Cotner (NXP) on vehicular architectures and Craig Smith (Theia Labs) on vehicle customization. The workshop ended with a panel discussion lead by Rich Pietravalle on the topic of emerging threats to automotive security and privacy, with Giannopoulos, Cotner, and Smith as panelists. Given the success of this year’s V-SEC workshop, preparations are already underway for V-SEC 2017 at VTC2017-Fall in Toronto!
Shown in the photo are several of the co-organizers and all of the presenters at V-SEC 2016 - Rich Pietravalle (The MITRE Corporation), Craig Smith (Theia Labs), John Cotner (NXP), Hristos Giannopoulos (The MITRE Corporation), and Alex Wyglinski (Worcester Polytechnic Institute). |