Society |
IEEE Elections |
Fabrice Labeau |
This year, your vote in IEEE elections may truly change the face of IEEE! Read More... |
Best Paper Awards at IEEE VTC2016-Spring in Nanjing |
James Irvine |
Four papers share the honors at VTC2016-Sping in Nanjing. Read More... |
VTS Board of Governors: Member Profile |
Gordon L. Stüber |
This month, VTS introduces a recently re-elected member of the VTS Board of Governors
(BoG), Prof. Gordon L. Stüber. Gordon is the Professor and Joseph M. Pettit
Chair in Communications at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering in
Georgia Institute of Technology. He has been a long-term volunteer of VTS and
has held key roles including chair of VTS Fellows Committee.
The following article is his biography in his own words. Read More... |
Mobile Radio |
Recent Advances in 5G |
Javier Gozálvez |
In this section, you will be presented with a quick summary of some recent development activities
towards the Fifth Generation Mobile Network, 5G, by some key industry players. Read More... |
Connected Vehicles |
Toward Autonomous Vehicles |
Elisabeth Uhlemann |
Transport ministers around the world support connected vehicles.
This article gives a summary of such support from the largest
economies of the world. Read More... |
Land Transportation |
Indian Railway Commissions Electrification of the Ghaziabad–Moradabad Section |
Harvey Glickenstein |
Here is a short article on some recent land transportation
activity in India. Read More... |
Conference Report |
JRC 2016 – Joint Rail Conference |
One of the areas of
interest for IEEE VTS is railroad. In this section we present you with a short
report on a recent event dedicated to study in this area, JRC 2016. Read More... |

Abbas Jamalipour