Caltrain debuted its cutting-edge electric fleet on 10 August 2024. Caltrain hosted a VIP tour where participants boarded the trains for its historic inaugural service. After nearly a decade of construction, these new trains signify a landmark shift toward a faster, more frequent, and environmentally friendly public transportation network along the San Francisco Peninsula.
The new high-performance electric trains offer a better experience for Caltrain riders while providing faster and more frequent service. Express service will allow commuters to travel between San Francisco and San Jose in under an hour.
The new trains will also increase service by 20% because they can accelerate and decelerate much faster than diesel trains. This provides more robust and flexible access to cities throughout the rail system, with 16 stations seeing trains every 15-20 min at peak hours and all stations receiving service every 30 min on the weekend, compared to hourly service before.
Additionally, electrified service will advance equity along the corridor by reducing noise and air pollution while increasing access and service for equity priority communities by 26%.
Full Article: IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Volume 19, Number 4, December 2024