IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) is closely monitoring developments related to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic.
Please know that our thoughts are with those affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.
The health and safety of our members and volunteers is the utmost priority of our society.
As a result, and due to this unprecedented situation and global restrictions on travels, the following decision has been made regarding VTS-sponsored Distinguished Lectures for 2020:
- All pre-approved in-person DL/DS tours will be suspended until 31 December 2020.
- In the place of in-person talks, Distinguished Lecturers and Distinguished Speakers are encouraged to run their lecture in a live-streaming format, or as pre-recorded lecture, with the agreement of the host local chapter(s), until the end of 2020.
- VTS local chapters are encouraged to contact DLs/DSs to arrange delivery of scheduled lectures in the appropriate format as addressed above.
The VTS DL/DS Program is an important service to our members, and we will do everything in our power to ensure this program continues unabated in the face of our current challenges. |