Message from the EiC |
Welcome to the September 2023 issue of VTS Mobile World – your IEEE Vehicular Technology Society newsletter.
This issue features articles contributed by our knowledgeable editors of the Mobile Radio and Transportation Systems columns, from the June 2023 edition of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, as well as two recent papers from the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and the IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology.
As always, I am always available to hear your feedback; just send me a note at Read More... |
Mobile Radio |
White Papers on O-RAN, Midband Spectra |
Claudio Casetti |
Two new white papers by 5G Americas were published in the first quarter of this year: the first focuses on market updates and the latest developments, including artificial intelligence and ML tools; the second on the current state and future potential of midband and extended midband spectrum availability. Read More... |
Transportation Systems |
Series of Tests on TGV M in the Czech Republic |
Bih-Yuan Ku |
Prevalidation tests of the first Trains à Grande Vitesse (TGV) M test train, from Alstom’s Avelia Horizon range, have commenced at the Velim test site in the Czech Republic. This test campaign will last almost six months, and is part of a long series of tests for this new generation of high-speed trains. Read More... |
Connected and Automated Vehicles |
Will Connected Vehicles Flood the Internet? |
Elisabeth Uhlemann |
A joint report by Global X ETFs, the Wall Street Journal, and the Automotive Edge Computing Consortium (AECC) claims that connected cars may "break the Internet." Read More... |
From the IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology |
Application of Simplified UTW-OFDM Receiver Technology to 5G |
Yuu Ichikawa, Keiichi Mizutani, and Hiroshi Harada |
This study proposed a novel receiving method using an optimal inter-carrier interference (ICI) cancellation technique to improve communication quality during the application of the simplified UTW-OFDM to 5G. Read More... |
From the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
Road State Inference via Channel State Information |
Halit Bugra Tulay and Can Emre Koksal |
In this paper, the authors introduce a traffic monitoring approach that exploits physical layer samples in vehicular communications processed by machine learning techniques. Read More... |

F. Richard Yu