Message from the EiC |
Welcome to the March 2022 issue of VTS Mobile World – your IEEE Vehicular Technology Society newsletter.
This issue features an open call for nominations for Vehicular Technology Society Awards and timely articles from the experts—taken from the Connected and Automated Vehicles, Mobile Radio, and Transportation Systems columns in the IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine December 2021 issue—as well as two Early Access papers from the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and the IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology.
As always, I am always available to hear your feedback; just send me a note at Read More... |
Call for Nominations |
2022 VTS Awards |
Gordon L. Stüber, IEEE VTS Awards Committee Chair |
Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) offers six prestigious awards that recognize outstanding individual accomplishment.
Additional information about the awards, eligibility of candidates, as well as nomination forms are available at the IEEE VTS website. Please consider nominating an eligible candidate.
The due date for nominations is 1 April 2022. Read More... |
Connected and Automated Vehicles |
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems |
Katrin Sjoberg |
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) is the European notion for increasing road traffic safety and road traffic efficiency by using wireless communication, both V2X as well as cellular connectivity. Read More... |
Mobile Radio |
Mobile Networks in Africa |
Claudio Casetti |
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU), regulators, industry experts, and academia met virtually between 5 and 16 July to discuss Africa’s future RF spectrum requirements in the context of revisions made to radio regulations by the last World Radiocommunication Conference, held in Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt. Read More... |
Transportation Systems |
H10 Series Locomotives in Tanzania |
Bih-Yuan Ku |
SMH Rail, Malaysia’s leading rolling stock manufacturer and maintenance service provider, unveiled its new H10 Series locomotive built with green fuel technology to reduce emissions with a tagline of “Towards Green Mobility.” Read More... |
From the IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology |
ML-Based Fingerprinting of Transmitters |
Kyle Mcclintick, Jeffrey Tolbert, and Alexander M. Wyglinski |
This paper presents a novel framework that self-organizes to classify and jointly localize sets of stationary transmitters emitting SOP. Inference of spatial multilateration features allows for the joint estimation of classification outcomes with respect to several unknown parameters, including the number of transmitters, source transmitters for each signal, the underlying multilateration distribution, and the transmitter locations. Read More... |
From the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
Downlink Precoding for mmWave with Rainfall Scattering |
Md Afaque Azam, Amit Dutta, and Anirban Mukherjee |
This paper proposes to design a transmit precoder at the base station (BS) for a hybrid, fully-connected sub-array (FCSA) architecture based on gradient projection (GP) and alternating minimization techniques. Read More... |

F. Richard Yu